Thursday, August 16, 2012

Crazy Life!

So, Life has been so crazy! I can't believe it has been 2 years since my last entry! So.. update time!

Cameron is now 3! Yes 3! My little miracle baby that was never suppose to be is running around, potty trained, talking up a storm! Ha ha doctors... we believe in a God that is still preforming miracles today! 

Kaden is getting ready for 2nd grade! Can't even believe where the time has gone! He will be starting a new school this year! His new friend Owen will also be going there as well, he is pretty excited!

In March 2011, our baby went to Heaven. I was 8 weeks along and lost the baby. This was a very difficult time for us... 

March 29, 2012- we welcomed Eli Michael. He was born at Mercy Medical weighing in at 6.8 oz! Just a little squirt! He is now 4.5 months old... Can't believe how quickly that went as well! 

June 2012 I gave notice to my employer and resigned my position at UW Oshkosh. I am now a stay at home mom... Best decision I think I have made in a while! Staying at home has its challenges, but it is fun and a new experience everyday! 

Alright... mommy duty is crying.. I mean calling... 

Be well... God Bless!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Time Flies...

It is crazy how fast time flies... just yesterday I was pregnant awaiting the arrival of Cameron and he is now crawling... Yes, crawling! I can't believe how quickly these last 8 months have gone! I could never imagine my life without him...

We have packed away a lot of clothing, baby car seat, swing, baby tub and some other misc things... he really is growing up so fast... soon he will be off to college....

The big brother is half way done with his first year in school. Man, does that make me feel old... he is learning his numbers, letters and colors when he isn't running into fences or almost getting kicked off the bus for his poor listening skills... its a good thing he is cute...

Nate has been home now for a couple of months and that is awesome! I don't know yet when is his leaving again... I am just not going to think about that...

We have planned our first of many family getaways! Nate and I and the boys are going to Wisconsin Dells to Mt Olympus, Hotel Rome at the end of March... Grandpa and Grandma Baumann are also coming... I can't wait... Kaden will go out of his mind when he sees the water slides and Cameron will be loving the freedom of water... (he is a little fish)

I guess that is my update...

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Too Cute!

We had family photos done on Saturday... Had to share just a few!
Kaden is 5, and Cameron is almost 6 months.

So Big!

Yesterday morning I went upstairs at 4:00am when my little monster awoke... I tried giving him his nuk.. no luck. Cameron is upstairs just laughing away... Anyways... I let it go on for about 10 minutes, finally I went upstairs to get him and as I approached his crib, there he is playing peek a boo with himself... It was so cute! He makes me smile everyday... that was definitely God... cause at 4am... I am not a happy person.

I am so very blessed to have such a cute little monster!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

Been Awhile!

Wow! It sure has been a long time!!

Well, lets see..... Cameron is here! He is healthy, and growing like a weed. Cameron entered the world on June 9th and 2:42pm. He was 6lbs 1.8oz, 19 inches long. On the same day, my niece was also born, her name is Trista Paige.

We bought a new house in February, and Nate worked his butt off to make it our home. He did a great job and our home is somewhere we will be staying for a long time to come!

Kaden had his first experience at Noah's Ark, he had a blast! Nate and I celebrated our 2 year wedding anniversary in June as well.

Both the boys were dedicated in August, and Kaden is learning how to read his bible. (he makes up stories, but either way... he is learning)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Update on that Baby!!

Let me first start out by saying... WOW! This whole being pregnant thing... awesome! Aside from the vomiting, nausea, and gaining weight... it is incredible!

We had an appointment last week and the baby's heart rate was 160. What a blessing... It is so amazing how that little heart beat can change your entire world...

I believe I felt the baby last night... I thought this is too soon, and maybe not the right place... So, I called "grandma" and she was like that would be the place... my heart melted... I felt my baby, probably for the first time! It is amazing, and kind of weird to know that you are a housing unit for this little miracle inside of you...

So... there is my update! I will try to update as we go along on this journey! Our next appointment is in January. We should know the gender in January as well.

Monday, October 20, 2008

We're Pregnant!

It finally happened! God is working miracles everyday, in every city... Nate and I found out on October 12th that we were pregnant! It overwhelmed me... All I could do was hug that man that was way more than "just my husband", and cry.... he had battled this storm for so long, I didn't know how we would react had we gotten a positive test. It is amazing how in one instant your life can change, how this baby... so small, can be your entire world. I am so blessed that Nate and I are able to share this... I am truly blessed beyond measure.